Virgil's Vacation

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Location: Northwest, IN, United States

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Orange cat Posted by Picasa

Virgil turns orange.

Well, the other day, Virgil snuck into the hallway closet and I didn't know. Of course I shut the closet... I think he was all curled up in the far back on some towels. We go out of town for the day, and when I come home that night..I hear some meowing. So I open the door and there comes Virgil. Everything was an absolute disaster in the closet, like he was trying to open it. Including my Dayquil that I had on the shelf, knocked down and spilled all over my carpet! this stuff is BRIGHT ORANGE. so I had to spend an hour or so with the shampoo machine trying to get it out...then Chris is like, hey look at Virgil...I look at him..and one side of him is orange HA-HA so I'm not sure how I can get that out. I think he is mad at me for shutting the door on him..but I didn't know! I bet his sinuses got cleared out when he was trying to lick that stuff off. what a nut, so now he has added the color ORANGE to his right side. I told him it is not Halloween yet..but if he wants to be an individual, I can except that. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Clothes in dining room

So, I get home yesterday, and notice that all my laundry that i had downstairs was now in the living room all rolled up. Some things were still on the stairs! ! Virgil must of been very very very busy. haha hmm he was passed out on the couch when I got home. I wonder. ha just jokin. Made you think something you probably didn't want to think! :-P

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Virgil has his MOJO back

So, I think Virgil is back in action ...mojo fully he decided to start stealing dish towels AND my jacket on many occasions this week. :-

Monday, August 22, 2005

Big step

So last night, Virgil decided to sleep with me. This is a big first, he has visited me at night, but never stayed the entire night. Chris is gone on business and Mitch decided to sleep in the other hear comes Virgil. I had to sleep with my hands covering my ears because he would NOT stop licking my ears. EEWWW. Chris Link had a great idea, sleep with ear muffs :) so I may have to bust those out tonight.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Well, last night Virgil found a Grasshopper in the fire place. This thing was huge. He was just staring in there...I said, 'Virgil, are you daydreaming?' but then I saw it. So, I opened the fireplace up for it to come out. I thought Tux and Virgil could use a little spice in their life. So, Mr. Grasshopper slowly comes out. Little does he know...there are two cats stalking him...shaking their butts...POUNCE. Mr. Grasshopper jumps and jumps...cats flying all over the tables. Now Mr. Grasshopper is high on the window. They can't get to him...and they are not so happy. So Mitch comes in to see what is going on...b/c they were creating quite a commotion. Tux was crying and wanted me to pick him up so he could get a better, I pick him up, he swats at it...Mr. Grasshopper jumps and jumps…CATS FLYING...but now...we have a dog in the mix. Mitch starts leaping all over the place...I thought to myself, oh man what did I do. Ha-ha Mitch caught it. I thought he ate it b/c Mr. Grasshopper was MIA. This morning, I found him in the foyer...and he had some broken back legs so he couldn't jump. I think Mitch did a number on him... so I pushed him outside. That is the story of poor Mr. Grasshopper who meets the 'animal farm.'


I caught Virgil drinking from the toilet this morning!! EEWWWWWWWW He thought he was being sneaky...HA I caught him. This makes me feel even better now ..knowing he likes to suck on ear lobes. Which is not so nice in itself..lets add some toilet water!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Things going well.

I just realized I haven't posted anything in a while...then i was thinking, nothing fun has really happened ! haha I think Virgil is pretty comfortable. He still hates Mitch and doesn't get along with Chris too much. But I guess that can't be expected. Chris is more a stranger in Virgil's world since he comes home on the weekend. Mitch just looks at him and occasionally chases Virgil if he hisses at him. Mitch will chase him if he feels we are if Virgil hisses at Chris or me. Here comes Mitch flying around the corner.

This past weekend we had friends over, and they have 2 kids. Both cats were hiding from them. They were on the lookout for 'Bobcat.' At one point, Virgil was on the couch in the living room, and Chris was sitting next to him. I went to say hi, and as soon as Chris talked Virgil started to his. 2 of us was just too much for him. Then Mitch comes jingling around the corner because he heard the commotion, so i had to pick Virgil up so he doesn't scratch the couch. He sounded like someone was murdering him! kicking and screaming. I am no long afraid of Virgil. I'll pick him up and flip him around like I do my cat, and if he gets mad i just look at him and tell him to deal with it...he has to be nice. I think he truly likes it because I always get a purr out of him.

Sunday morning, I woke up to the kids talking about Bobcat. They were saying 'Bobcat' was on the stairs last night and wouldn't let us pass..he just gave us looks. too funny.

Right now Virgil is on the lookout for Mitch...Mitch is still snoozing. daaaaah dum. I hear jingles and Virgil is off.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Loves attention

Virgil is really big on attention. If you don't give it to him, he surely lets you know. I can't walk around anywhere without feeling a cat tugging at my pants, or flying on my shoulder from tables, countertops, etc. I can't even work at my computer without Virgil jumping up on my keyboard at least 10 times. It takes him that long to get the hint. HAHA ....Allyson is right about eye contact, by looking at him, he believes that is open invitation to jump on your shoulder. I try my best not to look at them, but then he starts tapping my leg and trying to reach up. It is pretty cute, very hard to resist...but once you give in once..FORGET IT :)